PPB October 2022

faith or introspection, something you can turn to for spiritual growth. Set aside time for reflection. Set a goal to schedule 15 minutes, either at the beginning or end of the week. Use this appointment with yourself to “think about your thinking.” According to the National Institutes of Health, a large part of our population report that they are “languishing.” Languishing is the feeling that you have not accomplished anything or are not successful. Languishing leads to depression. How many people are languishing right now? Make an appointment with yourself and keep it. Take Care Of Your Body Invest in your physical health. Get a workout in or get a massage. This doesn’t have to cost a pretty penny – it can be as simple as jogging, taking a scenic stroll along a lake, visiting a park or spending other time outdoors. Just make sure you are taking part in some physical activity to stay healthy. I recently joined a high-intensity gym, and believe me, there are times that I want to skip my workout. Then I remember that by taking care of myself I am actually prolonging my life and giving myself more energy to live it at the highest level along the way. Be careful also of what you eat, as food is truly the fuel of life. I’ve had to learn this one over the long haul, as I was never a fan of vegetables. I was the kid who used to spit my squash out into my napkin and hide it frommy mother, who of course knew exactly what was going on. Now I know why you just need to eat those leafy greens. Eating properly gives you the fuel you need. These days I examine everything I eat and drink and ask myself, “Is this fueling my life? Am I eating the right balance of foods and the right amounts to accomplish my health goals?” Become very intentional about eating the right way. I’ve noticed a change in my energy level since I dumped the unhealthy foods and started drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables. Friends, the bottom line is this: Until you love yourself, you can’t truly love others. Loving yourself means taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual self. When you love yourself, you’ll do these things, which in turn will enable you to love yourself and others and serve them at the highest level. Bailey has more than 30 years of experience in hospitality. The former sales director for Disney Institute, he is a prolific author and hall of fame keynote speaker. Learn more at SimonTBailey.com. As low as $.90(C) ! "# ¾ ¾ ¾ ! " | OCTOBER 2022 | 77 THINK