PPB October 2022

Olga Strel / Shutterstock.com Why Self-Care Matters To serve clients, staffers and loved ones at the highest level, you must take care of yourself first and foremost. Here are the most fundamental basics to self leadership. by Simon T. Bailey Seventh in a series The opening keynote speaker at The PPAI Expo 2022, Simon T. Bailey will share his experienced approach to customer relations and personal growth with PPB all year. When you’re deep in the weeds and feeling stressed, it can be tempting to cancel your appointments and stay locked in your office, grinding on work. You’ll think you need to cancel plans with friends or sleep through your early morning alarm rather than hit the gym. It’s natural to feel this way, but you must resist. I am here to tell you, the times when you are stressed are actually the most important time to buck up and fight workaholic urges. Self-care is not a luxury, it’s critical for your health and the health of your business. Here are the key ways to be good to yourself so that you can be your best for everyone else. Take Care Of Your Mind Let’s make mental health stigma a thing of the past. Be intentional about taking care of your mental health by seeing a mental health counselor or therapist. You don’t need to be in crisis – this can be a powerful way to navigate life’s challenges as they arise. If therapy isn’t your thing, try journaling. It’s remarkably impactful. Surround yourself with two or three accountability partners who will challenge you to be better. They shouldn’t just pump you up, but rather hold up a mirror to show you areas of opportunity and growth. Consider having a practice of 76 | OCTOBER 2022 | THINK Spa r k i ng Br i l l i ance