PPB October 2022

The Great Resignation In Promotional Products Our sector isn’t immune to unprecedented turnover. Industry companies are reassessing what they offer employees and how they can attract new talent. by James Khattak Nearly 48 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021. Through the first five months of 2022, 20 million Americans did the same. The Great Resignation is playing out across the economy and it’s not over; globally, one in five workers are expected to quit before the end of the year. People in all industries are reprioritizing things and in a hot job market are able to explore their options, so quitting isn’t as scary as it once seemed. The promotional products industry is not immune from this trend and like any other sector, can suffer if it doesn’t respond. Businesses across the field are implementing new policies, seeking new talent and working to better connect with their employees, while promo professionals are weighing the directions open for their careers. Great Resignation | FEATURE | OCTOBER 2022 | 69