PPB October 2022

Web Content/Functionality Gold Winner ePromos Promotional Products ePromos’ redesigned website provides a modern and more efficient shopping experience for clients. Through improvements to the navigation, visual palate and site speed, the site now provides customers with clear visual direction to product categories, products for seasonal events, trends and popular searches, making it easier for those who know what they want and sparking ideas for those searching for ideas. The home page style and content were completely revamped. Lifestyle images show products in action, and the number of sections has been increased to allow more relevant products to be displayed. A new “Trusted By” section lets shoppers know the company works with recognizable brands. Since launching these updates, page load times have decreased by half and conversion rates have doubled. Gold Winner HPG HPG’s new cloud-based, patent-pending, automated virtual tool HPG Catalog+ enables distributors to upload any number of logos in any format, select one to 10 HPG catalogs and, in minutes, receive a link to download customized, personalized copies in which every product on every page of every catalog is branded with the logos uploaded. The distributor is then able to use these catalogs, with pages of client-branded products, as sales tools when presenting to their clients. PPAI Pyramid Awards | FEATURE | OCTOBER 2022 | 31