PPB October 2022

“We are the same company meeting the needs of a changing industry,” says Debbie Abergel, Nadel’s chief strategy officer. “Branded merchandise has evolved, and we are pleased to have a hand in that evolution. We believe in the power of connections through branded merchandise. It used to be about positioning the merchandise; now it’s about sharing your story – culture, ethics, sustainability, community, financials, etc.” Founded in 1953, Nadel has grown from offering branded merchandise to custom product development, digital storefronts, fulfillment, global distribution and other services, and counts companies like Meta, Netflix and Tesla among its clients. The refreshed brand includes a redesigned website and updated social media presence to go along with the streamlined name. Abergel stresses that what hasn’t changed is the company’s approach to the market. She says, “We are in the same space, same values, same service and quality we have offered for over 60 years. What is new is sharing a bit of our secret sauce and transparency with clients. Letting them see what it takes to execute their needs has been rewarding.” Nadel partnered with Ludlow Kingsley, a boutique branding agency also based in Los Angeles, for the project. Bringing a third party in provided a fresh perspective on the company’s work to deliver its brand promise to clients, vendors and employees. “This was the most important aspect of the rebrand,” says Abergel. “During the process we pored over all types of marketing collateral, yearbooks, newsletters for the past 60-plus years – what you see in the rebrand is what has been As part of the distributor's 2022 Nadel U national sales meeting, participants enjoy an event hosted at the California Science Center. | OCTOBER 2022 | 25 INNOVATE