PPB October 2022

Sus t a i nab i l i t y by Rachel Zoch acr23 / Mushakesa / Shutterstock.com Sustainability Or Bust Going green with garments is necessary to keep your business out of the red. But what does that mean on a practical level? Demand for sustainable products remains high and cannot be ignored, even in the face of inflation and rumors of recession. Survey after survey shows that consumers want sustainable products and practices. A 2021 global consumer survey conducted by the IBM Institute for Business Value and the National Retail Federation found that 40% of consumers seek products and services aligned with their values. Further, 60% are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact, and of the 80% who say sustainability is important for them, nearly 3 in 4 would pay a premium for sustainable and environmentally responsible brands. From the employer/employee perspective, sustainability is also a great retention strategy, as younger workers are especially likely to 14 | OCTOBER 2022 | INNOVATE