PPB May 2022

Spa r k i ng Br i l l i ance Not long ago I submitted one of my success guides to an international company for distribution. A few weeks later, a “Dear John” email arrived in my mailbox. It stated: “After careful review of the information submitted, it has been decided that our distribution enterprise WILL NOT be accepting your success guide. The letter closed with, “All the best wishes for your success!” That email arrived shortly after I received a rejection email from another major international distributor. The email said in part, “Simon, we will not pursue carrying your success book. It is not strong enough. Thank you for sharing it with us. Continued success!” Why was my book rejected? Apparently because my material wasn’t a fit with their product lines. Or perhaps they had more than their share of success guides. What’s ironic to me is their closing salutations–they wished me success! How funny is that? In the past, I would have looked at these responses and crumbled. I might have even given up and thought, “All that work down the drain!” Instead, I answered the email rejection with an email of my own: “This is brilliant news! I am so excited. WOW! Stay Brilliant… Simon T. Bailey.” No, I wasn’t being sarcastic; I was being sincere. Now I celebrate rejection. I take the energy of rejection and flip it, just like buying and flipping a house. I reframe it and see it as a gift, a blessing in disguise. My rejecters did me a favor. They saved me time, energy and money. So, what has happened to change my perspective? How can I be so positive and passionate about rejection? Well, there are a number of Rejectionology 101 There will be people who will not accept your idea, proposal, pitch, love or wisdom. Many will say “no.” Feel good about getting those out of the way and you’ll find your next “Yes!” by Simon T. Bailey Third in a series The opening keynote speaker at The PPAI Expo 2022, Simon T. Bailey will share his experienced approach to customer relations and personal growth with PPB all year. KenoKickit / Shutterstock.com 58 | MAY 2022 | THINK