PPB April 2022

What’s Happening Inside PPAI This Month P. 82The PPAI Expo D2U Brings Home The Expo Magic P. 85Industry Groups Encourage White House Involvement in Port Labor Negotiations P. 85Lucy Olvera Joins PPAI As Its New Membership Sales Manager Compiled by James Khattak The PPAI Expo D2U Brings HomeThe Expo Magic In February, the Association played host to the promotional products industry’s most exciting and innovative virtual event, The PPAI Expo Direct-2-You. Introduced in 2021 after the pandemic temporarily shuttered the in-person PPAI Expo, this year Expo D2U served as a companion to the Las Vegas show that extended its business opportunities to new audiences and reinforced connections made at the live event. Running Feb. 22-23, Expo D2U’s virtual experience built on the successful in-person return of The PPAI Expo in January, and brought that experience to those who could not join the industry in Las Vegas, or who wanted to follow up further with the exhibitors they met there. More than 4,000 distributors registered to take part in the virtual show and meet with over 100 supplier companies exhibiting at the show. “Our goal for 2022 was to give the opportunity for those unable participate in the live event as well those that did the ability to once again interact with one another in a convenient manner,” says 82 | APRIL 2022 | CONNECT