PPB April 2022

Thou Shalt Comply To stay above board, promotional products leaders and organizations should be aware of this year’s key changes to human resources and labor compliance rules and regulations. by Paige McCallister Trends and legislative agendas indicate that employers will face some new challenges in 2022 while battling old ones. When possible, it is critical that businesses prepare for these changes in advance of implementation. Below are more than a dozen major regulatory and compliance trends we are watching as well as some actions we recommend taking throughout the year. Minimum Wage Increases Twenty-five states and Washington, D.C., are increasing their minimumwage in 2022, with 21 of them taking effect January 1. Three states will also see corresponding increases to the exempt salary thresholds. Action: Review wages paid to all employees, ensuring they meet minimumwage standards and possibly adjusting others who are close to minimumwage to prevent wage compression. National Labor Relations Act Initiatives The pro-labor majority of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) are reviewing several workplace rules to give employees more protections. Some initiatives include defending protected, concerted activity, including using company networks and systems, redefining independent contractors, prohibiting and penalizing wage theft, and enforcing compliant handbook and policy language. Additionally, the Department of Labor and NLRB signed an agreement to share information, training, and enforcement more freely thereby increasing the possibility of crossagency investigations and added penalties. Action: Stay up to date with rulings and changes that will impact all workplaces. Review your policies, procedures, and actions to ensure all employees can exercise their rights. Ensure compliance with wage payment practices and employee or independent contractor classifications. Discrimination Protections State, county and city governments will continue to pass laws expanding protections for certain characteristics such as pregnancy and childbirth, natural hair and protective hair styles, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender kornn / TierneyMJ / Shutterstock.com 74 | APRIL 2022 | THINK