PPB April 2022

Desk & Of f i ce by Kristina Valdez Work Supply There’s a work revolution underway. In today’s tight labor market, employee turnover will increase as hybrid and remote work become the norm. As more consumers join The Great Resignation and reevaluate their work-life balance, promotional desk and office products will be practical solutions for the entire workforce. In 2020, the work-life balance crumbled. The ‘home office’ took on a whole newmeaning. Frequent flyers switched to Zoom calls while working parents juggled childcare, housework and their full-time jobs. When COVID-19 hit, workers quickly realized how consuming work-life was and how unbalanced their lives truly were. Now, Forbes says there’s a new “life-work balance” revolution that’s taking over, and it is here to stay. The Labor Department says a record four million people quit their jobs in April 2021, triggering what is called the “Great Resignation” period. If people didn’t quit, they were thinking about it. In its 2021 Work Trend Index report, recent research by Microsoft showed that 41% of the workforce considered leaving their employer last year. Along with resignations, businesses are dealing with a shortage of workers. In January, 56 | APRIL 2022 | GROW