PPB April 2022

Ra i n i ng Rose Pr omos Lemons Out Of Lemonade A shipping problem left Raining Rose Promos without its booth for the first day of The PPAI Expo 2022. Quick thinking and a philanthropic mindset led to a temporary booth that both wowed show-goers and benefitted the Las Vegas community. by James Khattak The PPAI Expo in Las Vegas is the single largest event on the promotional products industry’s calendar. It is an exuberant, energizing and sometimes chaotic experience. For exhibitor Raining Rose Promos, it was definitely the latter, at least at first, as its show floor booth didn’t make it to Las Vegas in time for Expo’s opening day. But the Cedar Rapids, Iowa-based supplier turned the setback to its advantage, leaning into 48 | APRIL 2022 | GROW