PPB April 2022

Silver Winner WHOOPLA Encino, California Objective: The objective was to connect with clients in a thoughtful way and provide an example of a well-designed curated product kit. Strategy & Execution: The company’s annual client promotion, the WHOOPLA Summer Swag kit, was reworked in 2020 to focus on branded PPE products. The creators based the name of the kit on the classic ’80s video game, Space Invaders, and called it the Germblasters Kit. Inside a custom, zippered pouch were hand sanitizer, breath mints, two types of face masks and a no-touch hand tool. The pouch was mailed in a box custom printed on the inside only to resemble an arcade cabinet—the outside of the box was left blank to keep the contents a secret. Results: Within three weeks, the mailing drew a 40% response from the 200 recipients and the promotion spawned numerous projects totaling over $500,000. Silver Winner Promo PSI Carrollton, Texas Objective: The supplier’s aim was to create an unboxing experience that showcased its extensive capabilities to clients and prospects. Strategy And Execution: The theme, “You’ve Got Mail,” was an ideal choice for this packaging-related mailer sent to more than 100 customers and prospects in early 2021. A large black corrugated mailer box held several of its most popular packaging products along with a pack of Promo PSI product playing cards; each card depicted one of its products and the colors available. A small pouch was filled with chocolates and the box was finished with a brochure and a card pocket with the imprint “Call Me” which held the sales rep’s business card. Results: At least 20 orders were received immediately and Promo PSI continued to receive orders from the campaign. These orders brought in revenue that was more than 10 times the cost of the campaign. PPAI Pyramid Awards: Marketing | FEATURE | APRIL 2022 | 33