PPB March 2022

accredited program). Coached by distributors, for distributors, we have one singular purpose: to help one another, as industry peers, stay focused and reach our goals. Each January we sit down together and draft our individual sales plans for our swag businesses. We then meet monthly in small groups of four to eight distributors and report in on how we are tracking against the goals we have set. One at a time, we go around the room and report to the group whether we are on track or off track. Why? Because it forces each of us to review our plans on a regular basis, focus on the action steps we have set out to accomplish, and own up to what we are doing (or not doing) to achieve our goals. This is how we hold ourselves responsible to one another. Every. Single. Month. Below is an example of an agenda we use for a monthly meeting with our accountability groups (modify if meeting weekly): A. Monthly check-in: No. 1 high and No. 1 low since the previous meeting B. Monthly tracking vs. annual plan (on/off track) C. What’s working vs. not working? D. Your No. 1 commitment to yourself and the group between now and the next meeting E. No. 1 challenge: What’s getting in your way today? F. Needs and leads: Who can help? Depending on the number of people participating, these accountability sessions typically go from an hour to 90 minutes. Following an agenda, reporting real-time results and documenting commitments frommeeting to meeting has proven to be a recipe for success for our members. To whom do you hold yourself accountable? Do you have a colleague, coach or industry friend that is making sure you stick to your commitments? Some industry peers around the country with whom you share best practices? If yes, then good for you and feel free to test out our agenda for success with these accountabilibuddies. If not, consider finding an accountabilibuddy or accountability group that can help you stay focused and on track with your goals for the year. If you find the right person or group, it can make all the difference for you and the results you can achieve. Frey is founder of Falls Church, Virginia-based distributor On Sale Promos and the Swag Coach Program. He is a 25-year industry veteran and front-line sales coach. Josh@swagcoach.com. Visit TheSwagCoach.com to register for his next Distributors Helping Distributors show and learn more about his promo coaching programs offered. Do youhave an accountabilibuddy helping you stay focused and committed to striving for your goals? Someone on the business (or personal) side of things keeping you on trackwhen you go off the rails? | MARCH 2022 | 63 GROW