PPB March 2022

Ask The Swag Coach: Finding Your Accountabilibuddy Eighth in a series Distributor owner and swag sales coach Josh Frey answers frequently asked questions on a wide range of sales topics. Systems of accountability can help you exceed goals and crush your promo sales. by Josh Frey According to Urban Dictionary, an “accountabilibuddy” is someone who holds you accountable for what you said you would do. Do you have an accountabilibuddy helping you stay focused and committed to striving for your goals? Someone on the business (or personal) side of things keeping you on track when you go off the rails? For me, that person is my Swag Coach partner, Mike Mahoney. He and I speak daily, review our sales and action plan weekly and hold each other accountable to the commitments we have made to one another for what we set out to accomplish in 2022. Like many of us, Mike and I work from home. We are not in an office environment or part of a sales team. We are independent business owners reporting only to ourselves. We can do as much or as little as we choose. That’s why staying focused and consistent with our sales efforts has been absolutely critical to our success. And a big piece of this success is due to holding one another’s feet to the fire. We are accountabilibuddies, and he most definitely completes me professionally. We are such believers in this process that in 2020 we set up a accountability program for the industry called Small Group Coaching (now an MAS/CAS ASDF_MEDIA / seamuss / Shutterstock.com 62 | MARCH 2022 | GROW