PPB March 2022

What’s On Exhibitors’ Minds The pandemic is still the top issue in the trade-show industry, with 29% of Statista survey respondents saying they’re most concerned about the pandemic’s impact on their business. Other concerns include: • Local economy: 19% • Global economic developments: 15% • Impact of digitization: 10% • Internal challenges: 9% • Competition with other media (such as virtual trade shows): 5% • Regulatory issues: 5% • Competition from within the industry: 5% Safety First Whether or not trade-show organizers require proof of vaccination or masks, you can work with them to showcase precautions and help guests feel more comfortable about attending. Promotional products such as antibacterial hand wipes, tissue packets and no-contact openers make welcome giveaways at trade shows. Branded signage can help point out socially distanced aisles or hand-sanitizing stations. Top Reasons For Attending Trade Shows Here’s why exhibitors set up at expo halls all around the world: • 88% want to raise brand awareness. • 72% want to get new leads. • 65% want to connect with current clients. Source: Trade Show Network Marketing Group Just Browsing The average trade-show attendee spends 8.3 hours strolling the show floor. Promotional products can help draw these attendees to booths and engage them once they arrive. For example, consider hosting mini education sessions and giving booth visitors logoed notepads and pens. Or, rejuvenate booth visitors by bringing in a masseuse and offering five-minute chair massages. Send these relaxed prospects off with a logoed massager and bottle of water. The Pandemic’s Impact On Trade Shows Pre-pandemic, trade shows generated more than $1 trillion in direct spending. Two-thirds of companies that exhibit at trade shows say cancellations had a significant impact on their business. Half said missing out on trade shows negatively affected their ability to generate new business. If your clients are back on the trade-show trail this year, work with them on promotional campaigns to spark interest before the show, attract attendees during the show and follow up with leads after the event. Sources: The Events Industry Council and the Society for Independent Show Organizers Getting In On The Ground Floor Want to get your clients’ brands in front of new audiences? Search trade shows by industry and state at EventsInAmerica.com. Tr ade Shows 58 | MARCH 2022 | GROW