PPB March 2022

Regan says he was very fortunate to have joined The Vernon Company. “At the time, I had no experience in the industry,” Regan says. “I ended up joining a company that offered significant training and support. Here I am 33 years later. I never had a reason to move anywhere else.” It was also the industry’s versatility and flexibility that’s kept Vernon throughout his career. “This is the type of industry where you can make what you want of it,” he says. “Every company in your community is a potential customer. There are times when businesses are thriving while others are suffering. Our industry allows us to focus on the businesses that are doing well. You can easily change your focus depending on the economic outlook at the time.” In 2005, Regan served on the PPAI Leadership committee for a year, helping to identify future board member candidates. He says this one service opportunity had the biggest impact on his career. “I really got a good front row seat to see how PPAI works, what they need and how important volunteers are to them,” he says. It was also impactful simply because of who he got to meet. “In those meetings, I am sitting to the left and right of industry leaders who I wouldn’t have gotten to know unless I volunteered on that committee,” Regan says. “By asking questions, I got to learn a lot and meet new people.” Regan says volunteering has changed the way he thinks. “I’ve always prided myself in thinking outside the box, but after attending PPAI committee meetings and talking to people, I realized the box is always bigger than you think it is,” he says. After giving his time, Regan says he never leaves emptyhanded. “More people and more ideas—that’s what keeps me coming back for more,” he says. Nominator Kelli Denes, MAS, director of business development for The Vernon Company, says, “He is compassionate and diligent about helping anyone and everyone when they need it. He is known for being the first to arrive and the last to leave and the same can be said for his work and volunteering. The part that always amazes me, he does Regan smiles with his wife, Jan. “He’s always the first to raise his hand to volunteer for business give-back events or philanthropic initiatives around our business community in central Iowa.” – Nominator Chris Vernon, MAS | MARCH 2022 | 47 GROW