PPB March 2022

Distributor/Supplier Collaboration Gold Pyramid Distributor: Jack Nadel International Supplier: Steel Threads Type of Client: Beverage Target Audience: Brand influencers and celebrities Primary Objective: Create social media buzz for Don Julio 1942 tequila, which underwent a lapse in availability because of the pandemic. Total Cost: $57,000 Strategy And Execution: The client PR company came to Jack Nadel International in advance of New Year’s Eve 2021. Don Julio 1942 tequila had been unavailable since August 2020 and the client wanted to create bottle toppers that were automated to pop at midnight of the new year, spreading a campaign message that “good things come to those who wait.” With less than two months to execute the entire project, Jack Nadel International devised a bottle topper concept, sourced timed padlocks from China and collaborated with Steel Threads (PPAI 174676 S1) to produce 125 standard-sized cuffs and 25 magnum-sized cuffs. The order was fulfilled for recipients in every time zone plus two overseas addresses. The finished product was a thing of beauty, with the quality of a luxe piece of jewelry. Jack Nadel International admits that any other year it might have passed on the project, but its execution proves that when distributors and suppliers work well together, anything is possible. Results: The client PR company and Don Julio 1942 were thrilled with the interest the custom bottle toppers received on social media. Jack Nadel International reports 16 follow-up projects related to the gold cuffs specifically. Silver Pyramid Distributor: Three K Consultants Supplier: Morris Magnets Type of Client: Salad dressing Target Audience: Influencers and ecommerce customers purchasing the client’s products online Primary Objective: The client wanted to stand out from other ecommerce salad dressing vendors by including a unique, memorable promotional product with each order. Total Cost: $3,000 Strategy And Execution: Noting that most competitors merely ship coupons with their ecommerce orders, Del Sol Food Co. wanted to include promotional acrylic magnets in its packages to get customers’ attention. They decided to pick the top three sellers in the BRIANNAS salad dressing line, as well as one that needed more recognition and a brand new one. The five bottles chosen for the promotion displayed a variety of colors while highlighted BRIANNAS’ distinct branding, and the use of the bottle-shaped magnets serves as a reminder to customers to order more dressing. Results: Del Sol reports receiving many customer reviews since the beginning of the campaign saying how much they enjoy the entirety of the product offering, including the magnet. Morris Magnets says, “It makes their consumer feel like they are getting a gift basket instead of just a pack of salad dressing.” FEATURE | Winning Client Programs 16 | MARCH 2022 |