PPB November 2021
Ab i ga i l Br own Abigail Brown, founder of Ohio-based distributor Ohiowa Promo, always knew she wanted to start a business one day. Growing up around the industry, she couldn’t imagine any other life for her and her family. After a few years as a stay-at- home mom, Brown decided it was time to open her distributorship in July 2020. by Kristina Valdez W hen Abigail Brown first started working in the promotional products industry, orders came in through the fax machine. “I would have to take the written orders from the fax machine and type them into the computer. That was my college summer internship at Bankers Advertising Company,” she says, laughing. With a large company like Bankers in her hometown of Iowa City, Iowa, Brown remembers knowing about the promotional products Life As A Mompreneur Vector Icon Systems / Shutterstock.com 80 | NOVEMBER 2021 | CONNECT
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