PPB November 2021

Ask The Swag Coach: How To Crush Your Holiday Gift Sales by Josh Frey Fifth in a series In this series, distributor owner and sales coach Josh Frey answers frequently asked questions on a wide range of sales topics. Use these five strategies to drive stronger and more profitable sales in Q4. M y background is in corporate gifts, and let’s just say I know a few things when it comes to selling holiday gifts. Back in the day, 60 percent of our business was dependent on Q4 sales and the overwhelming majority of the orders we sold and processed were holiday gifts. For some of us, holiday gift-selling is an “icing on the cake” sale if you have a stable client base ordering year around. For others, this is a huge part of your overall sales and take- home commissions. Regardless of where you and your promo business fit in, there are several things you can do to end your 2021 strong with a bump in profitable sales. Whether your clients’ offices are open, or their employees (and their clients) are working from home, now more than ever companies are trying to find ways to connect with their 48 | NOVEMBER 2021 | GROW