PPB November 2021

FEATURE | PPB Service Superheroes Kelly Vessells Account Executive LogoSpeed Lewis Center, Ohio K elly Vessells first learned the lasting value of patience and empathy when sheworked in a doctor’s officewho specialized in foot and ankle problems. She helped fit patients for their braces and orthotics and helped themshop for shoes after seeing the doctor. “I have always put a strong emphasis on customer service,” she says. “It’s important to always be pleasant and kindwhenworkingwith customers, because they feed off the energy you put out, so I always try to remain positive in everything I do.” She found the promo industry four-and-a-half years agowhen she joined supplier LogoSpeed as an inside sales rep and then became the inside sales manager. About a year and a half ago, shemoved to outside sales, which was the rightmove because she says she loves getting out andmeetingwith customers face to face. In the past year, her relationships with customers have become evenmore valuable. “I think themost important thing is being open with customers and providing a realistic viewof what is going on,” she says. “I never want to overpromise anything to a customer if there’s uncertainty about hitting their date. I would rather be honest and upfront about the situation than overcommit to something. I think that is what keeps customers around long-term—the honesty and trust built between the two of us.” “There is literally no one better in our industry,” says Owner Scot A. Schreiber, who nominatedVessells. “Kelly receives compliments on a daily basis fromevery customer sheworks with, at all levels of the organization, including CMOs, CEOs and presidents. And in addition to an exceptional level of customer service, she is one of themost pleasant people, consistently, whomyouwill evermeet.” Another of her five nominators, Chris Brooks, managing partner, shares two examples of the service she routinely provides. “Anewclient recently requested samples of several items andKelly took the time to clearly number and label each itemtomake it insanely easy for the client to differentiate each sample. Then, she included a notewith each itemgiving her thoughts onwhy eachwas awinner. She also studies her clients’ brand guidelines and develops a keen understanding of how they like to promote them. Her clients love that her product ideas are always in linewith their brand direction.” In Kelly’s Words What inspires you to go above and beyond what customers expect? I love my customers! I think building a personal relationship with them and getting to know more about them helps me grow closer and want to go over and above for them. My customers become my friends, and I’d do anything for my friends. I want my customers to be thrilled with their entire experience from start to finish. What’s your best advice for others wanting to improve their customer service skills? Always try to have a positive attitude. Be as genuine and transparent as you can because I know my customers appreciate that. It’s not about selling something to them, it’s about creating long-term relationships and trust with those you work with—both internally and externally. What’s an example of the best service you’ve received, why was it impressive and how did it make you feel? I think the most positive experiences I have had have actually been the result of a negative experience. It’s the company apologizing and acknowledging the mistake. It’s their willingness to help find a solution to resolve it and make me, a customer, happy. When a company goes above and beyond to take care of an unsatisfied customer, it has the ability to turn a negative experience into a positive one. That is what keeps me coming back—to feel that they truly care about me as a customer. It all circles back to exceptional customer experience, which is one of our core values at LogoSpeed and what I strive to provide to my customers.” 38 | NOVEMBER 2021 |