PPB November 2021

Creating Forever Customers Companies that outclass the competition almost always do so because of the level of customer service they provide. Meet this year’s 12 Service Superheroes who strive every day to make sure that experience is exceptional. by Tina Berres Filipski D elivering superb customer service requires a particular set of skills: patience, resourcefulness, organization and relentless dedication to making the customer’s life easier. Ask anyone who has experienced top-notch customer service and they will likely remember someone who is also kind and reassuring, whose sole focus is on exceeding customer expectations. Providing great customer service in a typical year is challenging enough—but add in the demands caused by the pandemic, inventory shortages and global shipping delays and the difficulties are multiplied. Earlier this fall, PPB set out to find some of the best examples of extraordinary service for our annual feature on Service Superheroes. Even in today’s demanding business environment, there were many worthy individuals to consider. Those profiled on the following pages were among more than 60 people nominated by their co-workers and clients for this honor, and these 12 were selected by an in-house panel based on the accolades and examples provided. Read on to learn more about how they deliver remarkable and memorable customer experiences. 13_Phunkod / Shutterstock.com FEATURE | PPB Service Superheroes 26 | NOVEMBER 2021 |