PPB October 2021

Eco -Fr i end l y by Danielle Renda kikk / petrmalinak / Lauritta / sunset lady / Shutterstock.com. Green And Loving It The pandemic inspired many consumers to rethink the environmental impact of the apparel they’re buying and wearing, and the companies to which they’re giving their business. Brands can do their part and carry forth a positive message beyond solely selling product, to offer end users sustainable clothing made with consideration and care for communities near and far, and those who live in them. N ot too long ago, selling eco-friendly apparel or enforcing green production processes were details that set apparel and footwear manufacturers, decorators and brands apart from competitors, especially those in fast fashion. It was something new, unique and interesting, and it represented a forward focus and a greater overall purpose. Today, it’s become the standard, and many consumers not only expect companies to demonstrate some level of active involvement in sustainability efforts, but also to offer products that genuinely reflect this commitment as well. During the pandemic, consumers became more interested in changing their personal shopping behaviors, including the products they buy and the brands they give their business to, to contribute to a more sustainable world for all. With consumers spending more time at home last year, pandemic- related lockdowns and precautionary measures allotted more time to experiment with and develop new habits, according 16 | OCTOBER 2021 | INNOVATE