PPB September 2021
sales manager for Starline and Houston Promotional Products Association boardmember. “Both Nikki andMark’s discussions were interesting and thought-provoking. Nikki’s especially confirmed the need to have face-to-face interaction with our members.” The second day of LDW began with the presentation of the 2021 PPAI RAC Volunteer Award to this year’s two recipients. Scott Hareid is owner and president of multi-line rep firmHareid Marketing and has a long history with the Upper Midwest Association of Promotional Professionals (UMAPP). He also served on the PPAI’s Board of Directors in 2015-2017 as RAC delegate. Cathy Miller, MAS, regional sales manager for Geiger, served on the boards of the Sunbelt Promotional Products Association (SPPA) and the Promotional Products Association of the Mid-South, leading both organizations as board president—in 2001 and 2009, respectively—and serving in numerous other board roles. She was named a PPAI Fellow in 2016. The day’s schedule also included sessions presented by Harold Wood, immediate past president of the RAC Board, and Dean West, president of Association Laboratory. It concluded with six concurrent breakout sessions that attendees could join based on their interests. These sessions’ subjects included the future of virtual events, the new world of in-person events, transitioning boards to the strategic level, secrets to engaging members, creating compelling marketing and optimizing the return for attendees, exhibitors and sponsors. “LDW continues to bring regional leaders together to collaborate, share and grow,” says Wood. “Even with this year’s event being a virtual conference, there is an energy unlike any other event. Having this many truly passionate leaders in one place, really speaks about howmuch this is a community and not just an industry. Leaders put aside their companies and personal goals for the betterment of the community. PPAI and RAC both put a lot into these workshops and it shows every year. I have had the chance to lead, work behind the scenes and even speak at this workshop, and every year it reignites my spirit and hope for our industry/community. With the difficult year we all have experienced, I am thankful to be a part of this event.” | SEPTEMBER 2021 | 103 CONNECT
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