PPB August 2021

(www.theswagcoach.com/ small-group-coaching-sessions), there is one proven, key strategy that we passionately promote because it’s so effective when it comes to separating ourselves from the competition. We call it targeting your “Million Dollar Niche (MDN).” In other words, focus on a vertical market, become an “expert” in how that market does business and craft your sales pitch so it aligns with your target buyers’ needs. Sound complicated? It’s not. But it does take discipline and focus. Here’s how to find and go after your own Million Dollar Niche. These 10 steps can help you get strategic with your sales efforts. If you can successfully pull this off on your own, you will get more leads and sales than ever before. How To Select And Pursue Your Million-Dollar Niche 1 Identify Three Target Markets To Pursue Consider targeting an industry that genuinely interests you. Are you a sports fan? Maybe a real estate junkie? Health-care nut? There are lots of industries you can service. Take time to think about which would be the most fun and interesting for you. 2 Choose One MDN Market To Go After Narrow your target to one industry. Yes, I know it sounds scary, but to be able to successfully execute on this strategy, youmust start off with one market to pursue and see this process through. Once you have success, and have built a million- dollar book, then of course consider the others. The reality is, if you choose correctly, all you need to build a multimillion- dollar book of swag biz is one million-dollar niche market. 3 Research The Top 50 Largest Companies In Your MDN Now that you have identified your MDN, it’s time to find the largest “players” in that market. Build a list of at least the 50 largest companies or organizations in your niche to give you a sense of the playing field. Knowing who these companies are will help you build out your target list of prospects (see step 5). 4 Research The Top Buyers (By Title) Of Swag/ Apparel/Gifts In Your MDN Who are the decision-makers in your MDN? Are they the CEO, executive director or owner? Maybe the HR or marketing director? You need to identify who the key decision-makers are, by title, so you are targeting the right people. And the “right people” are those with budgets, who will buy your products and solutions. Identifying the right buyers, up front, will save you time and shorten your sales cycle. 5 Build Out Your Target List Of Prospects Now that you have completed steps three and four, it’s time to “build your list.” Aggregate the contact names by company/ organization that you plan on contacting. Typically, companies will have multiple buyers within them, so if you’ve done your homework and identified at least 50 companies in your MDN, you will have a solid 100-plus leads to work from on this list. 6 Research Social Media And Connect With Your Prospects Online Now that you have built your target list, go and connect with those buyers on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. You want to have an online network from your MDN to whom you can eventually share your expertise and contribute as a member of their online community. 7 Research Trade Associations And Events For Your MDN Your MDN will most likely have a trade association (just like the promo industry has PPAI), and that will help you get a clear picture of what local, regional and national events are scheduled at which you can possibly be an exhibitor or sponsor. Don’t have a ton of resources? No worries— volunteering is a great way to rub shoulders with decision-makers and build relationships with potential buyers in your MDN. But it’s not just any old lead…you want quality leads. Can you imagine quality prospects and clientswho return your calls and emails, remain loyal to you, place repeat orders (without pricing youout each time) and give you referrals to other buyers? | AUGUST 2021 | 47 GROW