PPB April 2021
A Glass Act Refresh Glass transforms community-collected wine bottles into functional glassware and stylish home décor that’ll be talked about as often as they’re used. So often are distributors asked to find a one- of-a-kind gift item, and not only are Refresh Glass products 100-percent USA-made and 100-percent recycled, but they are part of a larger mission to rescue 10 million glass bottles annually—and it all started with the craftmanship and creativity of founder Ray DelMuro, who initially hand-collected and hand-crafted the products himself. by Danielle Renda R ay DelMuro was looking for a new business venture that would ignite his passions as an engineer and creative, while also paying homage to the planet. It was 2008 and he’d just returned home to Los Angeles after a year- long trip abroad; an adventurous excursion that had him backpacking through Europe, surfing in Australia, whitewater rafting in Bali, bungee jumping in Switzerland and island hopping in Southeast Asia, with many stops to museums, festivals, beaches and downtown areas in between. Altogether, he visited 21 countries and 39 cities across the globe. Seeing the beauty of the world’s communities, both large and small, DelMuro returned home with a longing to create something that would be useful, appealing and easy on the earth. Prior to his departure, DelMuro had been working as an engineer in the aerospace industry in Huntington Beach, California, and earlier in the automobile industry; an opportunity that excited him when he started at C&D Zodiac Aerospace in 2001. After being with the company for four years, DelMuro was promoted to director of manufacturing technology, a role that brought himmore into the corporate side and away from working on the machines themselves, which he truly loved. A skilled creative and craftsman, DelMuro 22 | APRIL 2021 | INNOVATE
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