PPB February 2021

Why Is Everyone Tuning Me Out? Y ou’re full of great ideas; you just know it. So why do your contributions at work frequently go unnoticed by colleagues, clients and bosses? You speak up—or maybe share your ideas in emails—but it feels like people tune you out. How can you start getting heard at work? Part of the problem is the workplace is so inundated with “noise”—text alerts, rambling emails, endless meetings, social media notifications and so forth—that it’s tough for any message to get through. If you want people to hear you, you need to revamp your communication style. Clarity and brevity are key. If you want to be heard, you need to get very sharp in your thinking and intentional in how you communicate it. First, consider why people may be tuning you out. You’ve forgotten to answer WIIFM? (What’s in it for me?) When talking to a prospect, a client or a manager, do you discuss their needs first, or do you jump to talking about your products or ideas? You’re long-winded. You lack the discipline to make a concise point and stop talking. People ignore or instantly delete your emails. Over the course of your career, your knack for being long-winded impedes your career growth. The more you say, the less people hear. Practice these six techniques to help you “be brilliant, be brief and be gone.” by Joe McCormack 34 | FEBRUARY 2021 | GROW