PPB November 2020

compiled by Danielle Renda Suppliers: consolidated search engines. It is too expensive for boutique suppliers to be “everywhere.” Large buying groups even ask suppliers to pay for the privilege of giving a discount without making a sales volume commitment. Doesn’t feel like the oft-stated, “We’re all in this together. We are a team.” Distributors: give suppliers enough information to make valuable recommendations. • What is the client trying to do? • What does the client want the recipients to feel/do? • Howmany people are they trying to reach? • What is the budget? Train clients to leave enough time for production to avoid rush charges. Most other industries are already done ordering or are currently ordering end-of-the- year gifts. The promo channel doesn’t have to do things the way they’ve always been done. SUE KINCH, MAS Owner Tangico Pontiac, Michigan PPAI 651709, S1 After so many years in the business, I am saying the same thing again. A clear, complete purchase order to include PO number, date of PO number, use date (note if critical), bill-to, distributor contact information, email, phone number (and cell phone is helpful), ship- to, quantity, style number, cost, product details, any special instructions (don’t put this information in email only) and ship method, and attach art if needed or advise if it will follow. At least 30 percent of POs today are still not complete. RICHARD HENNESSY Vice President BagWorld Cape Coral, Florida PPAI 224757, S6 What we would try to keep in mind, whether you’re a supplier or distributor, is that we are all in this together. Both sectors share the same concerns and at the end of the day, trust and communication are key to a strong partnership. A good indicator for distributors to find vendors that offer great customer service is by their industry rating. We take a lot of pride in being a five-star supplier and it lets clients know about our great track record. I would recommend to new providers who want to have a vendor consider terms is to strike up a plan that shows they mean business, and I mean long-term business. If you want terms, try submitting the request with two orders ready to go or start slow with the first order pre-paying, then in the next order ask for net 15 until trust is established. Nine times out of 10, suppliers are more than willing to help. STEPHANIE MORALES Marketing Manager Eyevertising Miami, Florida PPAI 536045, S5 Q A DISTRIBUTOR ASKS: I am new to the industry and I’d love to know—if you could start over, what would be your top suggestions? Plan your work, work your plan and don’t sell on price. Commodity brokers are a dime a dozen. Provide a value to your Seeing Eye To Eye I’d like to be able to help my supplier partners succeed. What’s something you recommend distributors can do to make that happen? Q A DISTRIBUTOR ASKS: I am looking for a supplier’s perspective. What is one thing that would make your job easier and what is one thing distributors could do to help make it easier? NeonShot / Shutterstock.com. 12 | NOVEMBER 2020 | INNOVATE