PPB October 2020

www. cnij .com cnij @ cnij.com | 1 800 739-2645 ASI 43008 PPPC 930205 PPAI 132744 SAGE 50525 Contact us today for a quote, samples or virtuals CUSTOM SHAPE STOCK SHAPE BSK-C BSK-RUSH OPTIONAL LASER ENGRAVING AS LOW AS AS LOW AS AVAILABLE STYLUS TIP COLORS BSK-RUSH1 BSK-C BSK-RUSH2 BSK-RUSH3 • Stock shape copper plated B-SAFE KEY • Choice of silicone stylus tip colors • Sold blank or with laser engraving at $0.50* • 3” x 1.25” x 3/16” thick Optional silicone stylus • Custom shape copper plated B-SAFE KEY • Optional silicone stylus tip $0.70 • 3” x 1.25” x 3/16” thick $2. 99 * $3. 35 * Die Charge $100.00 (G) Laser Engraving Set Up $70.00 (G) TOUCHLESS SAFETY TOOLS