PPB July 2020

Susan Schmitz / prapann / Thinglass / Shutterstock.com 1 New Products. This is the No. 1 question buyers ask: “What’s new?” “What’s hot?” Suppliers: now is the time for research and development. Give marketers answers to those questions that will generate excitement and sales. 2 Invest In Great Design. I think logos should be subordinate to great design and messaging that will better represent the meaning behind brands. I respect the need for consistent logo impressions, but most logos have a disconnect with meaning. To reinforce my point, would you prefer a mug with just a Starbucks logo or a mug with a beautiful design and a more subtle treatment of the Starbucks logo? 3 Work From Home. Home has been a new work domain for many of us for the past fewmonths and may remain so for a while. Working from a bed with barking dogs and toddlers running around wearing superhero capes has become mainstream. So, what are the appropriate premium giveaways we can provide to work-from-home employees and customers to assist them in their home environments? 4 Branded Masks. Masks will become the new hat. They are a trifecta power product. They are fashion. They deliver function and they are deeply connected to purpose. And we all know that the fifth “P” of marketing is “purpose.” 5 Redirect Cost Savings. Businesses will spend less on travel this year and possibly next year too. Office footprints will shrink as some companies downsized their number of employees and others are allowed to work from home permanently. How can you redirect those savings into investments in marketing—and in great marketing programs that produce results? 6 Direct Mail. With a slower return to face-to-face interaction at all levels, I predict there will be a resurgence of direct mail. You can help your client be successful by delivering on creativity, logistics and clever ideas—not lame giveaways or mail pieces with excess packaging that clog landfills. 7 Signage. Look around you and you will notice that directives play a bigger-than-ever role in reminders for physical distancing, washing/sanitizing hands and wearing a mask. We will be asked to play a growing role in health and safety. There are big opportunities here. 8 Online Programs. Branded gear that is easy to access will be critical to reinforcing the connection with customers, prospects and employees. Consider how to use 24/7 online storefronts through social media engagement, referral appreciation and affinity programs to remind buyers that your business cares about them and it wants to participate in helping them rebound. Image provided by Showdown Displays Image provided by Gemline | JULY 2020 | 59 GROW