PPB July 2020

Market Snapshot The human resources industry in 2020, measured by revenue, is estimated at $59.8 billion according to IBIS World , and the rate of growth is expected to increase marginally by 0.4 percent this year. However, today’s HR managers are facing a vastly different workplace than in past years, from recruiting and hiring to overseeing daily activities. To make it safer for employees to return to their offices, factories and stores, HR departments have taken the lead to deploy all kinds of measures, including virus-screening questionnaires and social-distancing wristbands that vibrate if workers get too close to each other. According to Human Resource Executive , the top safety strategies companies are currently using as employees return to their workplaces include deep cleaning (90 percent), mandatory mask use (88 percent) and restricting meeting size (81 percent). HR managers are also being called on to help employees cope with the current reality. According to a study from Marsh & McLennan Companies, nine out of 10 employees are concerned about COVID-19, and more than half (54 percent) are worried about coronavirus exposure at their workplace, according to a national poll from Eagle Hill Consulting. In these anxious times, promotional products distributors can develop campaigns to address employees’ biggest concerns. Talk to your clients about social-distancing and hand-washing promotions in the workplace. Promotional gifts that are useful at work—think touch-free door openers and hand sanitizer—can help workers feel safer. For employees working remotely, consider promotional items to brighten their day, such as food gifts and desktop accessories. Now is also an ideal time to reward employees’ diligent work. In addition to managing the stress of a worldwide pandemic, the downsizing that’s taken place at many businesses means they probably have many new and additional responsibilities on their plate, too. Some may have had to adjust to working remotely or managing a remote team for the first time. Others may be struggling to find clients, learning to sell through online meetings or trying to get the same amount of work done with fewer people on their team. Managers can use promotional products to show team members they are aware of their contributions and appreciate their work. From online celebrations to promotional gifts delivered to doorsteps or desktops, organizations can explore many ways to help employees feel special and valued. SHRM found that more than 40 percent of employees feel drained, exhausted or burned out from work, with younger employees more likely to feel the pressure. More than half (51 percent) of Gen Z say they are experiencing burnout compared with 24 percent of Baby Boomers. As the pandemic strains companies across all industries, it’s critical for businesses to support their workers in profound, thoughtful and memorable ways. Companies need a healthy and engaged workforce as they learn how to navigate the new normal. To succeed, organizations must go beyond creating safe spaces and take time to acknowledge and appreciate the employees who keep business moving forward. To boost morale and show appreciation to employees, financially strapped HR departments can skip figuring out how to fund monetary rewards. Instead, they can look to promotional products for cost-effective, creative, thoughtful and memorable ways to connect with their workers. When employees are recognized and celebrated for their hard work, they are more likely to feel motivated and committed to their employer’s mission. In fact, nearly three-quarters of employed Americans (69 percent) say they would put more energy into their work if they were recognized more often, according to a survey by OGO. On the flip side, workers who are not regularly commended for their contributions are less likely to go above and beyond for their employers. Even in the best of times, people want to feel appreciated and valued. In a COVID-19 era, when many employees make herculean efforts every day in their jobs, companies can effectively and sincerely acknowledge their contributions by selecting the right promotional products. Read on to learn more about the employee recognition market and how human resources departments can use promotional items to recognize, reward and rally around their teammembers. “ Nearly three-quarters of employed Americans (69 percent) say they would put more energy into their work if they were recognized more often, according to a survey by OGO. " kurhan / Chaiwat Hemakom / Maquette.pro / Lightspring / Shutterstock.com | JULY 2020 | 37 GROW