PPB January 2020

B usiness, product and service names affiliated with a single word or acronym are more than ubiquitous in today’s brevity-and catch-phrase-driven consumer markets. The promotional products industry is chock-full of products that are imprinted, engraved or embroidered with a company name, logo or acronym. In an instant, the average American could likely recite a number of products or services based on a simple word, symbol or acronym: Apple, Cheerios, Nike, Bambi, IBM, NRA and so on. Promotional Product Association International’s widely-known acronym, “PPAI,” its “Mark of a Professional” logo and The PPAI Expomark also come tomind. U.S. law protects certain kinds of trade and service marks. Get a deeper understanding of the four categories—and what’s covered and what’s not. by Cory Halliburton, Esq. Protecting Acronyms, Logos and Names 96 | JANUARY 2020 | THINK