PPB December 2019
by Audrey Sellers Ene r gy Ma r ke t L ife takes energy, from the appliances and electronics we use to howwe heat and light our homes and businesses. In an expanding global economy, energy consumption is on the rise. In the past 50 years, global energy demand has tripled, according to the International Energy Agency. Demand is projected to triple again over the next 30 years, with the United States, China and India accounting for nearly 70 percent of this demand. Currently, the world’s population consumes 15 terawatts of power a year. To give some meaning to this number, think about it in terms of watts. Most lightbulbs consume 100 watts of energy. According to the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, a single terawatt is enough to power about 10 billion 100-watt lightbulbs simultaneously. While this provides some perspective, it doesn’t illuminate the whole picture. Energy usage isn’t just shown by an electricity bill or how much it costs to grab a coffee. When you stop for that coffee, you’re also paying for the energy it took for the entire process—from bean to brew. Power To The People Promotional products create a surge of information and awareness in the energy market. 54 | DECEMBER 2019 | GROW
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