PPB August 2019

The online survey captured insights from a nationally representative sample of more than 2,500 U.S. and 500 Canadian consumers between the ages of 18 and 73 who had received one or more promotional product(s) in the past 12 months. The data collected from the study sheds a brighter light on consumers’ preferences for promotional products compared with other advertising media, the reasons promotional products marketing may fail and communication preferences based on generation. Key Findings: Mindset 80 percent like receiving promotional products 71 percent wish they received promotional products more often compared with 48 percent in 2009—a 23-percent increase in 10 years (2009 Consumer Study) 73 percent prefer promotional products over any other form of advertising (See Figure 1) 2 1 3 2 1 3 Figure 1. ADVERTISING PREFERENCE “I’d rather receive a promotional product …” …than receive a telemarketing or sales call 83% …than receive promotional emails 78% …than receive promotional mail (e.g. flyers, letters, etc.) 77% …than watch an ad before or during a video 76% …than see a banner ad or pop-up while browsing the web 75% …than watch a 30-second TV commercial 74% …than see sponsored posts or advertising in my social media newsfeed 74% …than listen to a 30-second radio commercial 73% …than see ads while reading or flipping through a print magazine 67% Source: PPAI 2019 Consumer Study (n=percent of consumers who agree with statement) Figure 2. THE REASONS PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS FAIL “For which reasons would you not keep a promotional product?” I had no use for it 71% The product was cheap quality 48% I already owned a similar product 41% I knew someone else that would like it better 35% The product was unattractive 27% The product was bad for the environment 12% I didn’t support the brand or cause 10% Source: PPAI 2019 Consumer Study (n=2,784) Motive 72 percent equate the quality of a promotional product they receive with the reputation of the company that gave it to them 79 percent pass along promotional products after they are no longer using them Sustainability is key when choosing products consumers will keep (See Figure 2) FEATURE | PPAI Exclusive Research 40 | AUGUST 2019 |