PPB September 2018

September 26 RMRPPA Mile High Expo Rocky Mountain Regional Promotional Products Association Denver, Colorado www.rmrppa.org September 26 SAAGNY Fall Showcase Specialty Advertising Association of Greater New York Teaneck, New Jersey www.saagny.org September 27 PAPPA End User Promotions Expo Philadelphia Area Promotional Products Association Valley Forge Casino, Pennsylvania www.mypappa.org OCTOBER October 1-4 Advertising Week New York City, New York newyork.advertisingweek.com October 2-3 PPAMidwest Fall Holiday Showcase St. Louis, Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas October 9-12 PPAS Holiday Review Promotional Products Association Southwest Little Rock, Arkansas; Tulsa and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Grapevine, Texas www.ppasw.com October 14-17 PPAI Leadership Week Promotional Products Association International Grapevine, Texas www.ppai.org October 15 Executive Director Symposium Promotional Products Association International Grapevine, Texas www.ppai.org October 16-17 PPAI RAC Leadership Development Workshop (LDW) Promotional Products Association International Grapevine, Texas www.ppai.org October 16-18 CAAMP Holiday Showcase Carolinas Association of Advertising and Marketing Professionals Raleigh, North Carolina; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Greenville, South Carolina www.caampers.org October 24 TSPPA Night Out Tri-State Promotional Professionals Association Lexington, Kentucky www.tsppa.org October 25 TSPPA Promotions at the Pub Tri-State Promotional Professionals Association Louisville, Kentucky www.tsppa.org October 24-25 SPPA Holiday Showcase Sunbelt Promotional Products Association Pensacola Beach, Florida www.sunbeltppa.org 110 | SEPTEMBER 2018 | CONNECT