PPB September 2018

PUT IT ON THE SCHEDULE To scope out other events, visit www.ppai.org and click on Events and then on Industry Calendar. Datebook The important events shaping the promotional industry. compiled by James Khattak September 16-18 Product Responsibility Summit Promotional Products Association International Alexandria, Virginia www.ppai.org SEPTEMBER September 5 CPPA Fall Promo Expo Chesapeake Promotional Products Association College Park, Maryland www.cppa.biz September 5-7 SPPA Fall Showcases Sunbelt Promotional Products Association Birmingham, Alabama; Jackson, Mississippi; and New Orleans, Louisiana www.sunbeltppa.org September 11 PPAW Fall Show Promotional Products Association of Wisconsin Appleton, Wisconsin www.ppaw.org September 12 VAPPA Fall Showcase Virginia Promotional Products Association Richmond, Virginia www.vappa.biz September 13 PMANC Fall Market Showcase Promotional Marketing Association of Northern California Pleasanton, California www.pmanc.org September 17-18 NWPMA Brandlandia Fall Showcase Northwest Promotional Marketing Association Bellevue, Washington www.nwpma.org September 17-20 PPAS Holiday Review Promotional Products Association Southwest Grapevine, Texas; Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Little Rock, Arkansas www.ppasw.com September 18 TSPPA Play Ball Fall Showcase Tri-State Promotional Professionals Association C incinnati, Ohio www.tsppa.org September 20-21 OPPA Holiday Client Showcase Ohio Promotional Professionals Association Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio www.oppagroup.com September 25 GAPPP Holiday Showcase Georgia Association of Promotional Products Professionals Atlanta, Georgia www.gappp.org September 25 NEPPA Fall Expo New England Promotional Products Association Worcester, Massachusetts www.neppa.com September 26 MiPPA Promotions That ROAR! Michigan Promotional Professionals Association Detroit, Michigan www.mippa.org CONNECT | SEPTEMBER 2018 | 109