PPB March 2018

66 | MARCH 2018 | THINK is trying to find more down time and resist the urge to put in even more hours at Brand Blvd. A likely result of their farm roots, both Lichtenberger and Sinclair are most comfortable when they’re busy. Self-professed “putterers,” they like to tackle projects that allow them to work with their hands, such as woodworking. Sinclair quips, “If I sit around, I get too antsy, so I have to keep doing things.” “Yeah, moving keeps us out of trouble,” laughs Lichtenberger. But the truth behind the self- deprecating humor and fun is that Brand Blvd was built—and continues to run—on elbow grease, and the results speak for themselves. Terry Ramsay is associate editor of PPB. Lichtenberger and Sinclair mix work and fun at the 10th anniversary celebration, which was held in an airplane hangar and included music, refreshments and over 600 clients as their guests. Chr i s S i nc l a i r and Shaun L i ch t enbe r ge r ROLL LABELS Rolling Out NEW High Quality Labels 70# IVORY FELT SILVER METALLIC 800.507.1907 www.zooprinting.com