PPB February 2018
58 | FEBRUARY 2018 | THINK T he consumer product world is experiencing a broad emergence of internet-connected tech products with embedded sensors and microchips that allow them to perform tasks never before imagined. These products are part of the Internet of Things (IoT) and will eventually redefine what we consider customary. And, like many tech items that evolve from pricey retail versions to low-cost promotional versions, the day when IoT products arrive in the promotional industry is likely to come soon. Imagine a t-shirt that monitors your heart rate and then automatically adjusts the program of your treadmill, a pill box that emails you if your elderly mother forgets to take her medicine, or GPS–enabled stickers that can Connected devices are on the rise, but what we don’t know can hurt our industry and clients. by Rick Brenner, MAS+ The Promise And Risk Of IoT Products
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