PPB January 2018

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, are well-paying. Hester’s study and the anecdotal experience of USGVC member companies show that imports allow these companies to concentrate U.S. employment in those elements of the global value chain, including manufacturing, where U.S. workers are most competitive. This means that different companies can employ a wide range of supply chains to design, make and sell goods all over the world, using a variety of import scenarios. In our industry, where constantly evolving fashions are the norm, there is an infinite series of production and distribution combinations. No two value chains are alike. For some companies, imports are a key input used to manufacture a product that is then sold domestically or exported. For others, imports are the final products, often drawing upon previously exported U.S. goods and services. Such thinking, well known in our industry but not well understood among policymakers, provides new opportunities to tell our story in new and compelling ways. It is often said that “all politics are local,” because members of Congress are most interested in hearing the opinions of their constituents. Global value chains keep many of those constituents gainfully employed. USGVC will help connect the dots so that members of Congress and administration officials, as they conceive of and execute trade policies, understand who these global value chains are. They are all of us. Steve Lamar is executive vice president at the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA). He is responsible for the design and execution of AAFA lobbying strategies on a series of issues covering trade, supply chains and brand protection. Lamar is also president of the Washington International Trade Association (WITA), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to providing a neutral forum for discussion of international trade policy and related issues. No two value chains are alike. For some companies, imports are a key input used to manufacture a product that is then solddomestically or exported. For others, imports are the final products, oftendrawing uponpreviously exportedU.S. goods and services. Portable Displays // Fabric Structures // Modular Displays // Custom Exhibits #1 FOR EXHIBITS & DISPLAYS widest range of exhibits & displays ! www.promohandbook.com // NO RUSH FEES // NO SETUP FEES // FAST TURN-TIMES // DEDICATED SALES REP // QUALITY GRAPHICS 76 | JANUARY 2018 | THINK