PPB October 2017
T hough most days might feel like a sprint, entrepreneurship in a promotional products distributorship is more like a marathon. The journey requires endurance, as there are multiple transitions, including ecstatic wins, harrowing losses, months of chaotic increases, sluggish seasons of stagnation—in short, all of the variables one can experience between the starting and the finish line. And just like a distance runner who paces her run to win, entrepreneurs must also carefully plot their decisions for long-term success and approach their run with a similar outlook. “Concentrate on small segments of your race at a time,” wrote the late MLB outfielder Jerry Lynch. “For example, rather than obsessing about the distance that remains, simply complete the next mile in good form… try another, then another, until the race is done.” We have analyzed the growth patterns of a typical distributor’s entrepreneurial journey and have identified five distinct stages. Each has unique challenges and opportunities; being aware of each stage before you enter it will help ensure you pass successfully through. We’ve described each stage below and included tips, suggestions and resources to help you cross the finish line. Your Path To $10 Million Know These Five Stages Of Business Growth To Help You Get There by Catherine Graham and Bobby Lehew 58 | OCTOBER 2017 | GROW
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