PPB Playbook-Distributors

I n fall 2019, it’s estimated that about 56.6 million students attended elementary, middle and high schools and about 19.9 million attended colleges and universities in the U.S., according to the National Center for Educational Statistics. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March, almost all schools closed, and classes moved online for the remainder of the academic year. The debate is now raging across the U.S. about reopening schools in the fall, offering online educa- tion or some hybrid of these options. Recognizing that schools are fundamental to child and adolescent development, the American Academy of Pediatrics has strongly advocated that “all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.” For the most up-to-date guidance from the AAP on this top- ic, see https://services.aap.org/en/pages/2019-nov- el-coronavirus-covid-19-infections/clinical-guidance/ covid-19-planning-considerations-return-to-in-per- son-education-in-schools. When schools do reopen, it’s most likely that they will include noticeable changes throughout the campus from frequent sanitization routines and lunch in the classroom instead of a cafeteria to stag- gered class times and limited attendance to maintain social distancing. PRODUCT CHECKLIST FOR SCHOOLS & CLASSROOMS ● Adhesive wall decals with safety reminders ● Antibacterial mouse pads ● Antimicrobial pens ● Antimicrobial styluses ● Backpacks ● Barricade tape for unused chairs in auditoriums ● Bumper stickers to show support ● Buttons printed with teacher and school employees’ picture since mask hides it ● Chair-Not-In-Use chair covers ● Chargers ● Directional and custom-imprinted floor and carpet decals ● Disposable paper placemats ● Disposable or promotional face masks for students and teachers ● Flash drives ● Handwash reminder signs for restrooms ● ID badges ● Journals ● No-contact tools for students and teachers ● Non-contact digital thermometers ● Pencil pouches ● Phone wallets ● Power banks ● Protective acrylic desk barriers for classroom desks and in reception areas ● Retractable badge holders for ID’s ● Silicone bands/ lanyards to denote comfort level with others (for example, hugs and touching are OK, it’s OK to talk but not touch, or stay away) ● Spirit wear ● Vinyl banners ● Wall and standing signs ● Wall calendars for classrooms and offices THE PLAYBOOK TO RESTART BUSINESSES 17 Schools & Classrooms