PPAI Magazine May 2024

SWEET SUCCESS Sweeter Cards Unwraps A Promo Winner Stacy Stahl’s year started strong, winning The Pitch at The PPAI Expo 2024 and attracting new financial backers to her business – but she didn’t come across success like this by accident. By Sarah Luna In an industry where personal touches and heartfelt connections hold significance, Stacy Stahl’s venture Sweeter Cards illuminates the enduring charm of thoughtful giving and the power of resourceful determination. That charm and determination are behind what’s become a standout year for the St. Louis business owner. In January, Stahl and Sweeter Cards were the runaway champions of The Pitch at The PPAI Expo 2024, winning over a panel of veteran distributor judges. Stahl had barely unpacked from Las Vegas when Texas-based Rupt Ventures announced that Sweeter Cards was its first strategic investment. So, it’s no understatement to say 2024 started with a bang for Stahl and her company. And given her background, it’s not much of a surprise that she’s made her company stand out as an up-and-comer in the industry. Must Read | Sweet Success 34 • MAY 2024 • PPAI