PPAI Magazine April 2024

Community | Inside PPAI What Suppliers Need To Know While suppliers in the Standard-Base and Standard-Plus tiers will receive one priority point, members in the Silver, Gold and Platinum tiers will receive two, three and four priority points, respectively. Exclusive benefits for suppliers in the Silver, Gold and Platinum tiers include free lead retrieval and guest passes at The PPAI Expo, credits for advertising in PPAI media and at PPAI conferences, eligibility for PPAI 100 and High Marks and access to premium research. Members in the StandardPlus tier are also granted one free lead retrieval at The PPAI Expo and a $250 credit for advertising in PPAI media and at PPAI conferences. View all benefits and resources for each supplier tier at media. ppai.org/media/23499/ suppliermembership.pdf. What Business Services Providers Need To Know All business services providers will continue to receive inclusion in at least one category in the Solutions Center, with eligibility for more categories based on which tier the company chooses. While members in the Standard-Base and Standard-Plus tiers will receive one priority point, members in the Silver, Gold and Platinum tiers will receive two, three and four priority points, respectively. Exclusive benefits for business services providers in the Silver, Gold and Platinum tiers include free lead retrieval and guest passes at The PPAI Expo, credits for advertising in PPAI media and at PPAI conferences, eligibility for PPAI 100 and High Marks and access to premium research. Members in the Standard-Plus tier are also granted one free lead retrieval at Expo and a $250 credit for advertising in PPAI media and at PPAI conferences. View all benefits and resources for each business services tier at media.ppai.org/media/23498/bussinessservices.pdf. For additional information, view Frequently Asked Questions about PPAI’s membership restructuring at ppai.org/why-join/faq. astel design / BillionsPhoto / Kati Moth / Shutterstock.com Taking Membership Restructuring On The Road Beginning in March, PPAI leadership hit the road in an on-going effort to connect with industry practitioners directly about the Association’s membership restructuring. Partnering with regional associations, either through townhall-style events or joining their trade show’s programming, PPAI is holding inperson meetings to share details of the restructuring and answer attendees’ questions. Follow media.ppai.org and visit the regional associations’ websites for more information. 78 • APRIL 2024 • PPAI