PPAI Magazine January 2024

Book Club | Community train people.” Whether this is still accurate or not, it’s a great point. We spend money to acquire and retain employees, but do we spend time investing in their growth and making sure they have the tools they need? How often do we rely on throwing people into the fire and figuring it out, which sometimes we have to, rather than making sure they have the resources to be successful? This is why we are putting such a focus on professional development at PPAI. Are we giving the community the training they need to develop at all levels? We will be. • “I believe most managers know what they want their people to do. They just don’t bother to tell their people in a way they would understand. They assume they should know.” Well, we all know what happens when you assume. But this is an excellent point. Does your team know, in no uncertain terms, what the goal is and what their role is in accomplishing it? Are you meeting them on their terms? There is nothing more frustrating as an employee than working for a manager who has a preconceived idea of how something is going to happen or work but that idea is not communicated. It is the manager’s job to make sure that it is clearly communicated and on their employees’ communication level. • “Their behavior is not OK. They are OK.” This is such a good reminder. When employees feel they are being attacked, they tend to jump on the defensive and may not actually listen to the feedback being presented. And remembering as a manager to own your own mistakes goes a long way. Giving yourself a “one-minute reprimand” shows you practice what you preach. My takeaway: I really enjoyed this book and rereading it with newfound experiences and perspective. Having dealt with a variety of management styles made this resonate even more, I was able to reflect on the points and really understand the message with actual experience to rely on. I especially liked the reminder of the one-minute goals and plan on adding that to my weekly one-on-one with my manager. This is absolutely something I would still recommend to others so they can learn about the One Minute Manager style. Gibbons-Rauch is PPAI’s manager of professional development, learning programs. www.antwerpdiamondsincentives.com PPAI • JANUARY 2024 • 81