PPB November 2022

Saying Yes In AWorldOf No I first met Patti Brownsordwhen we partnered on a diversity project. We hit it off right away, and I gave her a copy of my book, Release Your Brilliance. At the time, Patti was a longtime employee of an advertising agency and attending graduate school. She feared shemight be in a deadend relationship. She blamed her dysfunctional relationship on her crazy schedule and stressful life. Once Patti completed her master’s degree, she decided to make a career change and shifted into a different, yet related field. One chapter inmy book had inspired her to take inventory of her life and relationship. The chapter explained the difference betweenmeaningful, authentic relationships and performancedriven relationships. Patti considered her current relationship, which had not improved despite her life being on the upswing in all other facets. In authentic relationships, you don’t have to worry about what others think about you or where you stand. Your fulfillment comes fromwithin as you add value to another person’s life. However, in performance-driven relationships, your fulfillment comes from external sources. You constantly feel the need to please others and want to know where you stand with them. Patti re-examined her life through this new lens. She knew that she wasn’t really to blame for the bad relationship, so she closed out that chapter. She started over with a newly streamlined life and began saying yes to everything, treating this change in perspective as a gift to her future self. Once Patti got in tune with herself, she decided it was time to take yet another leap in her career, shifting away from corporate America once and for all. She had been feeling the pressure to change within her career. Given the rapid changes in her industry, she really didn’t know if her job would still exist in five years. Rather than let it negatively consume her, she decided to view it as an opportunity. In sales careers, the word no is ever-present. But it can serve a purpose – teaching you what doesn’t work. If you’re hearing too much no, it’s time to say yes to yourself, branch out and try a new approach that might scare you. by Simon T. Bailey Eighth in a series The opening keynote speaker at The PPAI Expo 2022, Simon T. Bailey will share his experienced approach to customer relations and personal growth with PPB all year. Foxys Graphic / shutterstock.com 58 | NOVEMBER 2022 | THINK Spa r k i ng Br i l l i ance