PPB December 2021

Smart7 / Viorel Simaj / Shutterstock.com compiled by Danielle Renda Trouble With An Incomplete P.O. The supplier gave my inventory to another customer because they said my purchase order was incomplete. Do I have a right to be upset, or is there a way I could have better prepared? Q A Distributor Asks: I recently placed a large purchase order with a supplier for barware, and the P.O. clearly stated that the art would be delivered in about two weeks and the ship-to location was to be determined, as we were waiting for the client to confirm on a location. When the art was ready, we sent it to the supplier and were told, “Sorry, we gave the inventory to someone else as your P.O. was incomplete, so we did not process your order. We cannot hold stock for incomplete orders.” I was floored. I currently have five other items for this same client from five other suppliers. Do I need to confirm with each one that they are indeed “saving” me the inventory that is on my P.O.? Not many vendors are allocating inventory when a P.O. is received right now. They also aren’t likely to, until not only the art and ship to are received, but also the proof approval as well. I suggest to always call them, and on the rare occasion they say they will hold your inventory, make sure that you get it in writing and attach it to your order when you submit it. JESSICA MINARD Account Coordinator and Finance Manager Red Promotions Bellevue, Washington PPAI 385713, D1 I am a major supplier of glassware to the industry. I work with many great, well-known suppliers who decorate and, I assure you, things have changed. Industry suppliers are not getting the inventory they need as their orders are not always being filled complete. I also guarantee, it’s going to get a bit worse for some. For the last year, I have been warning distributors to find key drinkware suppliers who will be getting product and work with them to ensure they are in the loop. Forget EQP, forget your deals, forget about holding stock. Get a current inventory and educate your customers as to what is going on in the category, and send in orders complete with dates, art, etc., then have a great sales year! Orders are being processed, product is being shipped, but you’re going to have to think differently and restructure your approach to “be in the game.” And your customers will have to plan and be ready to commit to the order when you present. Yes, things have changed for them, too! Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just trying to help. GUY M. ACHTZEHN President The Marketing & Sales Group York, Pennsylvania As a distributor, I’ve had too many “orders” that started off with incomplete information like this that just never materialized, especially in this climate of evaporating budgets and canceled events. I would (and have) offered to put down at least a 12 | DECEMBER 2021 | INNOVATE