PPB June 2018

SPECIAL OBSERVANCES CALL FOR EXCEPTIONAL PROMOTIONS. Creative Calendar the September August 16 National Give Something Away Day National Roller Coaster Day 15 July National Postal Worker Day 1 USE THESE DESIGNATED MONTHS AND DATES TO IGNITE YOUR IMAGINATION FOR RELEVANT—AND DISTINCTIVE—CLIENT PROMOTIONS. If this calendar is helpful or if you have ideas for ways in which we can better provide this information, email the editors at PPB@ppai.org. Family Golf Month National Picnic Month National Preparedness Month 1-5 Exhibitor Appreciation Week 7-13 Exercise With Your Child Week World Emoji Day World Honeybee Day 17 17 21 National Senior Citizens Day 16 National Stepfamily Day 7 29 National Food Bank Day National Coffee Day Classical Music Month 112 | JUNE 2018 |