PPB April 2018

SPECIAL OBSERVANCES CALL FOR EXCEPTIONAL PROMOTIONS. Creative Calendar the July June If this calendar is helpful or if you have ideas for ways in which we can better provide this information, email the editors at PPB@ppai.org. 20‑26 National Photograph Month National Water Safety Month Cell Phone Courtesy Month Independent Retailer Month National Wildflower Week National Bubbly Day National Emergency Medical Services Week 6‑12 2 Aquarium Month National Dairy Month May National Life Insurance Day 2 Leave The Office Early Day National Wine And Cheese Day National Zookeeper Week 1 25 14‑20 National Selfie Day 21 31 National Mutt Day USE THESE DESIGNATED MONTHS AND DATES TO IGNITE YOUR IMAGINATION FOR RELEVANT—AND DISTINCTIVE—CLIENT PROMOTIONS. 98 | APRIL 2018 |